10% of U.S. Parents Are Drunks!

Luke 15:13, “And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.”

       Proverbs 23:30 condemns “They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine.” Back in Bible times wine was naturally fermented and you had to drink a gallon of it to get drunk, that is, you had to tarry long at the wine. Even children drank wine in ancient times. Today, it's a whole different ballgame. Booze in modern times is produced in factories with stilling equipment that yield highly intoxicating booze. The bottom line is that drinking alcohol is a fool's game of deadly Russian Roulette...

10% of US Kids Live With Alcohol Abusing Parents

And children of alcoholics are far likelier to develop their own substance abuse problems.

This week is Children of Alcoholics Week, and a government report released yesterday says that one in 10 children in the United States lives with a parent who has experienced an alcohol abuse disorder in the past year—and many live with two addicted parents. According to researchers from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 7.5 million children—about 10.5% of the under-18 population—live with an alcoholic parent.

Of these, 6.1 million live in two-parent households and 1.4 million live with a single alcohol-abusing parent—1.1 million with an alcoholic mother and 0.3 million with an alcoholic father. The report is based on data from children throughout the US aged 12 and older, surveyed from 2005-2010. “The enormity of this public health problem goes well beyond these tragic numbers as studies have shown that the children of parents with untreated alcohol disorders are at far greater risk for developing alcohol and other problems later in their lives,” says SAMHSA Administrator Pamela S. Hyde.

“SAMHSA and others are promoting programs that can help those with alcohol disorders find recovery—not only for themselves, but for the sake of their children. SAMHSA is also playing a key role in national efforts to prevent underage drinking and other forms of alcohol abuse.”

SOURCE: 10% of US Kids Live With Alcohol Abusing Parents

10% of US Children Live With Alcoholic Parent

by Vicksburg Daily News Staff
February 16, 2012

A brand new government study says that alcoholism directly impacts the lives of approximately 10.5% of American children.

The study, conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, involved analyzing data from a national survey conducted over the five year period beginning in 2005 and ending in 2010. Researchers found that about 7.5 million children (defined as those under 18 years of age) lived with a parent who abused alcohol.

One surprising revelation for most who have viewed the results of the study is that the vast majority of those children – just over 6 million – lived in a two-parent household where one or both parents suffered from alcoholism. The study also shows that the overwhelming majority of the children living in single-parent households were living with their mother or other female guardian.

The finding suggest that children living in alcoholic households were at greater risk of physical abuse, neglect, mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, and were four times more likely to develop alcohol problems than those children living with parents who did not abuse alcohol.

If you or someone you know is affected by the disease of alcoholism, don’t hesitate to seek assistance, especially if there is a child involved. There are many local agencies that can help. Warren-Yazoo Mental Health can point you in the right direction. Call them at 601-638-0031. Talk to the fine folks over at Grace Christian Counseling Center at 601-636-5703. You can also reach out to Alcoholics Anonymous by calling (601) 636-1134 or checking out the meeting schedule on their official website by clicking HERE.

If you’ve got a problem… reach out to a friend. If you’ve got a friend who has a problem… reach out to them.

SOURCE: 10% of US Children Live With Alcoholic Parent » Vicksburg Daily News

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